The Auditor General has the power to be one of the most transformative offices in the state, a watchdog and advocate for change. Let’s audit for impact.
Dark Money
Right now in Harrisburg, powerful people are ignoring the law when it comes time to file campaign finance reports. They are hiding their donors as well as how they are spending that money to influence voters.
The worst part about it is that no one in Harrisburg can tell you how many millions of dollars are staying hidden from the public. It’s destroying our democracy and Mark is going to expose them.
It’s more than just watching the dollars. It’s making sure your money is being spent the way it’s supposed to. It’s about righting wrongs, helping people with problems and making sure Pennsylvania does what it promises. It’s eliminating waste and enforcing policy. It’s fighting to make sure money is spent fairly.
I know this because I’m doing it today.
I’m the only candidate with years of experience with auditing the government. As Lehigh County Controller, I investigated how Children and Youth Services worked so I could help parents who had their kids taken away without cause. I saved the county $9 million in healthcare spending through a rigorous audit. I worked to move more than $140 million in county funds from a bank that donated to anti-choice candidates to a politically neutral bank.
That’s auditing for impact.
Because it’s not just about watching $45 billion in state funds.
It’s about actively advocating for people. And that’s what I do best.

You wouldn’t vote for an Attorney General without a law degree. So why elect an Auditor General without a finance degree and experience managing billion-dollar budgets?
The short answer: You shouldn’t.
If you don’t have an extensive background in finance coupled with executive experience, you have no business being Auditor General.
I’m the only candidate with an MBA. I’ve held senior staff positions in multi-billion-dollar companies. I’ve been Lehigh County Controller since 2020 with a track record of turning wrongs into rights.
I put myself through college by enlisting in the Army Reserves and working for my grandfather’s business. I raised money to start my own company after graduation. Today, I own and manage a small business in Media, PA.
My political career kicked off in 2016 when I won election for township commissioner. The opportunity came up a few years later to be county controller. It was perfect for putting my finance background and political experience to work helping people.
I did it as Lehigh County Controller and I can do it for Pennsylvania.
The job should be more than watching Pennsylvania’s budget. It’s about helping people by auditing state agencies, enforcing policy and looking for waste that can become funding. For example, I will:
Conduct a sweeping, comprehensive audit detailing the many costs of our terribly underfunded public education system. We’re sending kids to schools in outdated buildings, and they’re learning on old equipment. Underfunding education hurts our state’s competitiveness, damages our economy, harms our children’s health, and puts their future prosperity at risk. It’s an issue that’s been ignored for far too long and will be one of my first acts as Auditor General.
Audit how the state supports county election officers and evaluate county election departments to ensure Pennsylvania invests in and rigorously defends democracy at this perilous time. We need to ensure elections are fair, with every vote counted.
Look into Pennsylvania’s workforce development programs to ensure they’re effective.
Evaluate the state’s healthcare spending to potentially find millions of dollars in savings.
Ensure proper oversight of funds that should be spent to protect children's best interests. This involves state systems that provide cash for kids, including foster care, therapy, children and youth services, family courts, and guardians ad litems.
I know how to make the Office of Auditor General work harder. Look out for your interests. And ensure policy and laws are carried out and enforced the way they should be. Find savings that could be used to help make Pennsylvania a better place to live.